NOTE: ShelbyCenter has been discontinued and is no longer available. I am sorry about that.
Well, last week at Shelby NUGM was really fun. I met a lot of cool people and it was, all in all, a great time. If you are a Shelby user and didn't go I strongly recommend it, it is well worth the money.
Ok, sooo....on to the meat of the post.
While at the Shelby NUGM I released the new product from Ministry Centered Technologies called Shelby Center. Shelby Center is a very cool web application (well I think it is really cool) that is the beginning of a web interface for Shelby V5. Here is a partial list of Features:
*Global Search: *One search box searches: Organizations, Registrations, Profiles & People
*View Organization & Profile Information: *With drill down into organizations
Calender pulled right from Resource Calendar
*Edit Personal Information: *With a really AJAXY interface you are able to easily update Personal information about individuals
*GlobaFile Concept Extracted: *Those who know Shelby know about the GlobaFile. While a great idea it is a bit hard to understand, so in Shelby Center I decided to make the GlobaFile invisible, but still there.
*Public Groups Interface: *Public Groups Interface that allows you to have group sign ups. Though this is still in beta, I haven't finished extracting all of the Southwest Community Church logic from it.
*Great Price Point: *FREE!!!
Open Source!!!!
I am really excited to see what churches do with this software. So here are the specifics:
Shelby Center Demo: Go to and login with the username Shelby and a blank password.
*Information on shelby center: * here you will find info on how to support, download & install Shelby Center. There is also a link to our wiki and bug/feature tracking site
*Shelby Center Google Group: * where we can talk about Shelby Center issues and future.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
NOTE: ShelbyCenter has been discontinued and is no longer available. I am sorry about that.