We know ministry looks a little different right now...and so does this update. We have a few exciting new things to share, but mainly we want to focus on features uniquely helpful for doing ministry during the pandemic.
You can watch the video to learn more or just to see if we managed to pull it off with webcams and no studio!

No more group texts and email strings! Groups now have a central place to keep in touch.

Giving online might be overwhelming for donors, so we have a guide for you on how to help them transition.

Find and follow up with people in need using People, and provide community in quarantine with Groups.

People can check their families into events on the Church Center app right from their couch.

Shift entire plans forward, including scheduled people or the order of service.

Switching an event online? You can update the location to a link and take signups.
If you're interested in seeing future updates as they happen, keep an eye on the blog by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
We’d also love to hear from you — all questions, ideas, and even stories are always welcome.