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New automations: Organize event attendees in Registrations quickly
Use automations in Registrations to organize people into groups when they signup for events!

New automations: Follow-up with first-time givers
Use automations in Giving to automatically send a follow-up email to anyone who gives and express your gratitude!

Create multiple events for multiple groups all at once
Create the same event for multiple groups at the same time!

Bring all your event details together with new Calendar connections
Plan events in Calendar and use the connections feature to navigate between Planning Center’s event management products seamlessly!

Announcing tasks: Create to-do lists and collaborate with teams
Create detailed tasks, organize to-do lists, and collaborate with people on those tasks from anywhere in Planning Center.

Make your sermons available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Push your sermon audio to Apple and Spotify so people can listen where they’re already engaging with content!

New for You in Planning Center July 2023
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this summer, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Announcing RehearsalPack: audio, lyrics, and chords in one subscription
Gather lyrics, chord charts, audio files, and licenses all in one place with RehearsalPack, an exclusive integration with!

Introducing the “Now Playing” view in the mobile media player
Take your worship rehearsals on the go with the Now Playing view in the mobile media player!

Set up automations to keep groups organized and communicate with people
Automate group-specific actions, trigger communications, and organize people with automations in Groups!

A new way to connect people to your church app
Share a custom setup link with your congregation so they can find your church on Church Center app!

Create custom forms for event requests in Calendar
Add custom fields and event templates to event requests to collect more information up front and minimize lost details or miscommunications.

Let volunteers schedule themselves with the new signup sheets in Services
Enable the new Signup Sheets in Services, and allow your team or household members to add themselves to the schedule based on their availability.

New for You in Planning Center April 2023
Get an overview of everything new to come to Planning Center in 2023 so far, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Respond to potential data breaches with the new account Security History page
Use account security logs to view activity across your entire Planning Center account and respond to potentially data threats.

Create Registrations signups from Calendar
Create Registrations signups from within a Calendar event and use the connections feature to seamlessly switch back and forth between the two.

Simplify group management by allowing members to take attendance
Allow group members to take attendance so group leaders can focus on the broader picture.

Embed your event calendar anywhere
Embed a month's view of events onto your website and share it for your entire church to see.

All new streamlined signup workflow in Church Center
Give people a centralized place where they can sign up for everything happening at your church, from concerts to conferences to VBS!

The Matrix reloaded: new features to help plan church services weeks ahead
Plan church services weeks in advance and view multiple services side by side.

Announcing sermon audio in the Church Center mobile app
Share your sermon audio on your Church Center mobile app and website for people to catch up on their own time.