You've now got control over which Groups events make their way into Calendar!

If you aren't familiar with Groups Feeds, you should know that it's all about taking events from Groups and automatically adding them to Calendar. Check out our documentation to learn more about getting Groups Feeds set up for your church.

Previously, all of your Groups events would automatically pop into Calendar. While some folks loved this, most people felt that it generated too many extra events that didn't really need to be there. Specifically, events like weekly small groups that meet in people's homes or other meetings that didn't require rooms, resources, or to be promoted on Church Center.

Not anymore! Now you're able to exclude certain Group Types so you'll only see the kind of events that belong in Calendar. Simply click the ⚙️ settings gear next to Groups feeds on the event page and disable any Group Types that you don't need.CleanShot 2023-12-14 at 14.52.37@2x.png

If you're a long-time Calendar user, you're probably aware that we recently considered doing away with Groups Feeds. However, in light of your feedback, we've decided to pivot and instead shape the feature into something that will be more useful to more people. Groups feeds are here to stay!

❤️ Team Calendar
Kayla, Taylor, Nick, Jared, Matt, Alan, Zeek, and Evan