Planning center changelog
New: Minimize barcodes for Church Center PreChecks

October 11, 2024
Available on Church Center app v2024.10.10 and up:
After last week’s PreCheck update, there was some confusion surrounding the check-out barcode that showed up at the end of the PreCheck process on Church Center. We took your feedback, and rolled out a change that puts you in full control! You now have the option to minimize the barcode for your congregants right from your Check-Ins event settings.
If you choose to minimize the check-out barcode, all people using the app to check in will see a check-in confirmation message with the option to view the security code as needed.
Please note, these updates will only be available on Church Center app v2024.10.10 and up. We have placed some prompts in the app to encourage people to update.
Whether you want to keep things streamlined or have a more thorough checkout procedure, the choice is yours!
As always, we value your feedback and love to hear your questions. You can always reach out to us by clicking the (?) icon in the top right corner of Planning Center - we're here to help!
Happy PreChecking!
The Check-Ins Team 💜