Planning center changelog
New: Global chat and a new home for notifications

July 11, 2024
Communications are core to your church, so we continue to invest in improving that experience by making chat easier to access, more flexible, and more engaging.
Global chat
Chat is now accessible everywhere at the top of Church Center - it includes all conversations across all groups you’re in AND includes new team conversations from Services in one unified chat interface.
We’ve also upgraded the core chat experience. This new chat experience includes improvements like showing link previews, typing indicators, reading receipts, and more!
Notifications now live in your account via the top right corner icon to make room for this new chat icon.
From there, you can access your three most recent notifications, mark all your notifications read, or view all your notifications.
Our vision for chat at Planning Center is to help connect everyone in your church. This first release is just the beginning, and we plan to add features and updates to chat to enhance it even more.
As always, stay tuned for updates. We are listening to your feedback and can’t wait to show you more in the future!
Happy chatting,
Team Church Center