If you’re familiar with automations over in Planning Center People, this should be an exciting announcement. We’re bringing those same powerful automations into Giving, so your Giving Admins and Bookkeepers don’t also have to be a People Admin.

Outgoing Automations

Automations in Planning Center give admins the power to automatically and immediately perform an action on people. Today, we are proud to introduce them to Giving!

Giving admins* will now see a new option in the manage tab, allowing them to set up an action to be performed immediately when someone gives or sets up a recurring donation.


Example scenarios:

  • Anyone who gives for the first time is sent a thank you email.
  • Anyone who sets up a recurring donation is added to a workflow.

We’ve been working on expanding automations beyond lists and forms for quite some time and are excited to share it with our beloved Giving admins! Stay tuned for more!


*Giving Administrators and Bookkeepers, as outlined here.