Planning center changelog
New: Nondeductible Giving

July 22, 2024
Following the launch of in-kind donations, we are continuing to expand the types of donations supported in Giving! You can now properly track two common types of nondeductible giving: qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) and donor-advised funds (DAFs).
These function very similarly to existing monetary donations, so you are likely already familiar with the workflow. To get started, set up new payment sources for donor-advised funds and qualified charitable distributions. Make sure to enable acknowledgments if you want your donors to receive a thank you email with the details of their donation. Once that’s done, you can start entering donations received via DAF or QCD using the batches tool or the API. And yes, DAF and QCD donations count towards pledge progress!
Keep in mind, if donors have disabled receipts in Church Center, they won’t receive the acknowledgments even if you’ve enabled them for a given payment source. Also, while acknowledgments are not editable in their entirety, you can customize the included disclaimer for each type of donation in your Giving settings.
DAF and QCD donations are included in the dashboard and are visible under monetary donations in reports and list views. You can easily filter by payment source type or tax status.
Donors will see QCD and DAF donations in their giving history in Church Center and have the ability to filter out nondeductible donations as needed. If a donor has not given via a DAF or QCD, their experience will remain unchanged.
Donors must update their Church Center mobile app to at least v2024.7.10 to see QCD and DAF donations distinguished from regular donations.
Come tax season, you can optionally include DAFs and QCDs during statement generation. Rest assured, they will be represented as nondeductible alongside the appropriate disclaimers for each type.
DAFs are available for organizations in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. QCDs are only available for organizations in the United States.
That’s all for now! If you have a desire to unwind past workarounds related to these types of donations so that they can be accurately reflected in donor giving history, please share the specifics of your past workarounds with our support team. We will evaluate how we can ease that process for you.
💛 Team Giving