Planning center changelog
New: Adjust List Refresh Frequency

March 11, 2024
Lists is one of the most powerful features in People, especially when paired with automations. When you set a list to auto-refresh, not only will you always have the most up-to-date information about your people, you can automate recurring tasks without lifting a finger.
Up until now, lists could only be set to refresh every night at 2:00 am, and any automations would run nightly as well. Since there are many times when you only need a list updated weekly or monthly, we’ve added a new frequency setting for auto-refreshing lists!
When auto-refresh is enabled, you can choose to have lists auto-refreshed monthly on the first, weekly on a day of your choice, or nightly. Any automations you’ve created will also run on the same schedule.
We’re sure you’ll come up with many great uses for this feature, and we’re excited to hear what you’re able to accomplish for your church. As always, please reach out and let us know what you think and how we can continue to improve Lists.
~ The People Team ~