Planning center changelog
New: Restrict volunteers to workflows Only

July 29, 2024
Workflows is a powerful tool to help manage recurring processes at your church, like welcoming newcomers or managing a membership process. Very often, you may want a volunteer to be able to help with a particular step, but without giving them access to your entire church database. To allow you to invite more volunteers to be involved in workflows, we’ve created a new level of permission in Planning Center People called Workflows Only.
When you grant someone access as a Workflows Only user, they’ll be able to log into Planning Center People, but won’t be able to see anything other than Workflows. Inside a workflow, they’ll only be able to edit cards that they are assigned to, with no access to the rest of your People data.
To add someone as a Workflows Only user, first go to their profile and adjust their People permissions to Workflows Only.
Then, navigate to any workflow you manage and select Add collaborator > A Person.
Navigating to the profile’s permissions will also show you their level of access, and you can remove it from there if they no longer need access to any workflows.
We know that many hands make light work, so we’re excited to see what you can accomplish by bringing even more volunteers and staff into your workflows. Give it a try, and let us know how we can improve it by reaching out to our exceptional support team!
~ The People Team ~