Planning center changelog
New: Schedule Church Center announcements

September 17, 2024
This spring, we released the ability to schedule emails in Planning Center People, allowing you to plan your communication ahead of time. Today, we’re continuing that theme with the release of scheduled Church Center announcements! 🎉
When you create a new announcement to be sent to a list, you’ll now have the option to send it immediately or select a time up to a month in the future. Just like scheduled emails, when the time comes for the announcement to be sent, it will be delivered to anyone on the list at the time of send. This means if you have a list set to refresh automatically, the exact audience could change before the announcement is sent, but this ensures that everyone who should receive the message will receive it.
The Church Center announcement history will show you any announcements that are already scheduled, and provide you the ability to edit or delete them.
Again, happy scheduling!
~ The People Team ~