Planning center changelog
New: Emails from lists and automations can be sent from the church’s name

October 30, 2024
We’ve got another exciting update for you all! Previously, emails from Lists and Automations could only be sent from the individual creating the email, but we have added the ability to send “from” your church’s name and email address. While the from address will continue to be “”, the from name can be set to your church’s name, and the reply-to address will be your church’s email address, which is set under Account Settings.
Admins who have “Can email lists” permission will be able to see this new functionality. When drafting a list email, the new from dropdown will allow you to select one of your own email addresses or the church’s.
Anyone receiving the email will see your church’s details rather than the individual who sent the message. However, the email history screen will also show which user in Planning Center created the email.
When you create an automation with the action People > Send email from template, you’ll see the new from dropdown after selecting your template. Just like list emails, these emails will appear to be sent from your church’s name rather than an individual admin.
We hope these updates give you more options to fine-tune and level up your communications. Give them a try and let us know what you think!
~ The People Team ~