Planning center changelog
New: See incoming automations for workflows

March 24, 2025
Automations in Planning Center can take manual steps out of the things you need to do, but trying to get a clear picture of all the incoming automations affecting a resource can be hard to figure out. We recently eliminated the mystery of where a specific workflow card comes from by adding this information to the card history. Today, workflows get a small remodel so you can see all incoming automations for a specific workflow:
As part of this change, we also moved to tabs to help organize your workflow steps, automations, and settings. Duplicating and deleting workflows can now be found in the Actions dropdown.
This should help you get a complete picture of all the automations that add to a workflow.
Stay tuned for a few more workflows improvements!
💙 The People Team,
Zane, Usborn, Shawn, Shane, Kody, Julia, Gabi, Fred, Dave, Beth, and Benson