Church Center's church directory feature is a great tool for your congregation to stay in touch with each other!

But all that contact information is also a very alluring target for internet scammers. They like to pretend to be a member of your congregation in order to gain access to the directory. Once in, they'll collect the names and email addresses of everyone in the directory for use in a what is called a "gift card scam". 

These scammers gain access to church directories by simply asking a church admin.

To help prevent this we've added a warning when sending directory invites to help educate your admins.

To protect your church from these scams we highly recommend that you do not share directory access with anybody that you or someone you know hasn't met personally, even if the person claims to attend your online services.

While there is no perfect technical solution to prevent these, we are actively working towards preventing activity that we see as suspicious. If you see anything suspicious, please let us know by contacting support.

Our first step is showing the following warning each time an invite is sent.
