Planning center changelog
New: Member and Link-Only Pages

April 24, 2024
As Church Center has grown as a congregant hub, we’ve heard from many of you who are looking for ways to limit who can access your custom page content. Things like:
- Prayer requests
- Financial updates
- Emergency pastoral contacts
- Membership support resources
- Membership information
- Leadership information
- Volunteer information
- Missionary information
In other words, content and resources that shouldn’t be available to the general public, but only to members of your community.
With today’s release, you can now limit custom pages in Publishing by membership type or by utilizing the link only option. Let’s take a look!
On the top right of your custom page, we have a new popover next to the View button:
In the Page URL section, we're highlighting whether your page is in the navigation or not. A page not in the navigation is available by link only, which is accessible by anyone with the link. This has been possible for awhile, but was not obvious on the page level. A link-only page may be useful for certain types of content that shouldn’t be generally discoverable, and availble only to those with link. If you use Groups, you could use link only pages as Groups resource!
In the Page Access section, we now have the ability to limit pages by membership type:
You can select one or multiple membership types to limit a page by. If you select no membership types, the page will remain public.
If you put a page that is limited in the navigation, it will show in the navigation — visitors who aren’t logged in or logged in and NOT part of the selected membership type will see they don’t have access:
NOTE: This requires Church Center app v2024.4.23 and up.
We’re excited for the ways this helps churches consolidate their member content in Church Center and help their congregants connect with the life of their church.
We’d love to hear your feedback! We know there a lot of other workflows and types of limits you may like to see — don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.
🖤 Team Publishing