We believe that creating a signup for your church should be easy from start to finish. To that end, we've recently moved some things around to clarify your signup settings and provide a simpler setup experience.


Sidebar Navigation

To start, we reordered the sidebar menu so that it more closely matches the experience of registering on Church Center. This will give you a better idea of how all these pieces fit together when someone registers for your signup on Church Center:


Next, we re-homed a few features to different pages so that each page has a clearer purpose. Here are some of the highlights:



The About page houses all the important details that make up your event - dates/times, description, location, campuses, and more! You can also add contributors on this page who help manage your signup.



On the settings page, you'll manage all the general settings for your signup. This includes how people find your signup, when they can register for it, who can register, and how you'll be notified when they do. We've also made room on this page for some exciting future updates!


Selection Types

In addition to creating the selections that your registrants will be able to choose from, the Selection Types page now houses advanced options for selections like maximum quantity and split registrations. You can find these advanced options in the new Options dropdown, here:



Previously named "Info to Collect," the Questions page is where you can add up to five custom questions for your registrant to answer while signing up for your event. If you'd like to add attendee-specific questions, those can be added in Forms.


We hope that this reorganized settings layout provides a clearer signup experience for you and your congregants, and we can't wait to show you some of the new features we have on the horizon! 


- The Registrations Team