Registrations offers the ability to collect various types of information from people who are attending your events. In many cases, you'll probably need to collect contact information from the registrant (the person creating the registration) and personal information (birthdate, grade, gender) for each attendee. The ability to collect contact information was previously only available for attendees, but now you can collect contact information from the registrant!

On the settings tab for your signup, you'll notice a new option to collect specific contact information from the registrant (optional or required). 

When someone registers on Church Center, they'll see those fields on the Selections step, where they can provide missing requested information. If they need to update existing contact information, there's a link to their profile where they can manage that.

There may be some events where you still want to collect contact information from individual attendees as well, and you still can! Those options are available in your selection settings and are collected in the attendee information form.

More to come!

- The Registrations Team