Planning center changelog
Update: Link to Specific Versions When Adding Songs

February 21, 2024
We want you to be certain that you’re importing the right lyrics and chords when using our integration partners. That’s why it’s now easier for you to lock in the exact version you need when adding new songs to your library.
Services usually knows what information you’re looking for, but depending on which search you use to find a song we may not have all of the information needed to be 100% confident of the version you’re doing. When this situation arises, you can search through SongSelect, PraiseCharts, or MultiTracks to link to a specific version in those products.
Regarding PraiseCharts: In the past, if you have purchased files for multiple arrangements of a song in PraiseCharts, we would just show checkboxes for each of those. As we’re working on improving our PraiseCharts functionality, it will become more important for us to know which arrangement you want and to only present that. This will give us room to present additional PraiseCharts options in the future without cluttering up the interface with different versions of the song you aren’t even doing.