We've made it even easier to chat when you're planning a service! Sure, you could open up the Chat window, start a new conversation, and choose the teams you want to talk to but... what if we just did all of that for you?

The next time you're on the teams page of a plan, check out these new chat buttons.


Using the chat button in the top right corner is going to start a conversation about this plan with all of the teams you lead. If you need to talk with a specific team, open the menu for that team and select Chat! If you've already got a conversation going on, we'll route you straight to it. If not, we'll start up a fresh one for you.

The same concept also applies to the latest version of the Services mobile app.


The main thing to note on mobile is that we used to have a button here called "Message" where you could send an email or text message. We thought that it would be confusing to have a button called "Message" next to a button called "Chat" so we've changed it to be incredibly specific by saying "Email or Text".

All of that is great if you want to talk with your teams in the context of a specific plan, but we also made it easier to access your long-term, ongoing conversations with your teams as well.

Head over to the teams tab on the people page and you'll see that familiar chat button again.

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Just select the teams you want to chat with and then give it a tap!

And finally, when you're on a team page, the chat button also makes an appearance in the top right corner making it easy to start or access a conversation with this team.

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So many ways to communicate with your people from a single tap! What will we think of next — carrier pigeons? telegrams? Let us know what you think by joining the Planning Center Community and making your voice heard.

Thank you so much for partnering with us and happy chatting!

💚 Team Services