Say one of your group members brings a guest to their small group, and they decide they want to join officially—awesome!
It’s now a little easier to add and invite new members to your group right from where you already are with the Church Center app! We think it will speed up the process of inviting new members, while respecting their privacy. It also gets new members instantly connected with their new Group in Church Center!
Adding Members
If you’re a leader in Groups, you’ll see a new button on the Members tab to add a person. From there, you’ll see two options.

QR code
If your new potential member is right there, have them scan that QR code. They can scan it with the default camera on their smartphone, and a link will appear for them to tap on. If they already have the Church Center app, that link will take them to your group, and request to join, all in one scan!
If they don't have the Church Center app, it'll direct them to Church Center on the web where they can sign in or create a new account and request to join.
Share Link
You can share that same link from the “Add by email or text” button below the QR code. This will pull up your phones’ native share options, so you can share however you'd like (email, text, Facebook... TikTok?).
What happens next, you ask?
Manage Requests
We want to make sure leaders always confirm that person before the new member is able to access the group. Right after the new member scans, a leader will see an alert, and receive a push notification that someone has requested to join. Choose one of those, and you'll see a profile pic, some extra details, and the ability to confirm or deny their request.

If they have the Church Center app, the new member will receive a push notification directing them right into the Members section of their new group, where they can update the contact details they'd like to share, and get more involved.

There's more!
One of the main scenarios you’re likely to add people is while taking attendance, so you can add people right from the attendance screen. The attendance page will even update live when someone requests to join, so you can accept or decline right from there.

As with everything else we do in Groups, this flow is available both in the free Church Center app and on the web.
We built this feature in direct response to feedback you sent us, so thank you so much for investing in us, and please keep sending us your suggestions!
Stay connected,
Team Groups