Church Center

Your year in Planning Center
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this winter, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Welcome more people, more easily: Introducing guest access in Church Center
Visitors and newcomers can easily browse what’s happening at your church without logging into Church Center!

Church Center precheck for families: always safe, now faster
Skip the line and save time with Church Center precheck for families! Households can avoid the hustle and bustle of check-in by using precheck before they arrive and then scan their kids in when they get there.

New for You in Planning Center September 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this fall, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Schedule Church Center announcements
Schedule your Church Center announcements to have even more control and flexibility in your communication strategy!

Make your own Church Center promo video
Make a custom Church Center video for your church and share how everyone can use it to stay connected!

Share service details with new public plans
Automatically publish service plans to Church Center so your congregation can know what to expect!

New for You in Planning Center June 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this spring, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Share member-only content in Church Center
Limit access to custom pages in Church Center from Publishing—like prayer requests, financial updates, leadership contacts, or member directories.

New for You in Planning Center March 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this winter, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Admin relief: Let congregants manage their own household details
Empower congregants to manage their own households effortlessly by adding or removing members in Church Center!

A new grid layout for your church app and website
A new way for you to creatively build the layout of your Church Center app and web!

Email group members and add resources all in Church Center
Enable group leaders to email members and share resources from Church Center so everyone can stay informed and get the most out of their time together!

New for You in Planning Center July 2023
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this summer, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

A new way to connect people to your church app
Share a custom setup link with your congregation so they can find your church on Church Center app!

Simplify group management by allowing members to take attendance
Allow group members to take attendance so group leaders can focus on the broader picture.

All new streamlined signup workflow in Church Center
Give people a centralized place where they can sign up for everything happening at your church, from concerts to conferences to VBS!

Announcing sermon audio in the Church Center mobile app
Share your sermon audio on your Church Center mobile app and website for people to catch up on their own time.

Custom color themes for Church Center: Make your church app and website your own
Create a custom church app and website experience with colored themes in Church Center.

Event notes and visitor count for Groups
Take notes on your small group meeting and keep track of visitors from within the Church Center mobile app.

Emoji reactions in Groups messaging ❤️
Reactions are an unobtrusive way to acknowledge, send love, and respond without blowing up everyone’s phone!