Planning Center Groups

Expand your care through confidential member groups
Support people who need privacy during their healing journey by keeping their personal information hidden from others.

New for You in Planning Center March 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this winter, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

For group leaders: Attendance reports in Church Center
With attendance reports in Church Center, group leaders can quickly get a pulse on peoples’ engagement and see who they need to follow up with!

Email group members and add resources all in Church Center
Enable group leaders to email members and share resources from Church Center so everyone can stay informed and get the most out of their time together!

New for You in Planning Center October 2023
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this fall, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Create multiple events for multiple groups all at once
Create the same event for multiple groups at the same time!

New for You in Planning Center July 2023
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this summer, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Set up automations to keep groups organized and communicate with people
Automate group-specific actions, trigger communications, and organize people with automations in Groups!

Simplify group management by allowing members to take attendance
Allow group members to take attendance so group leaders can focus on the broader picture.

Event notes and visitor count for Groups
Take notes on your small group meeting and keep track of visitors from within the Church Center mobile app.

Emoji reactions in Groups messaging ❤️
Reactions are an unobtrusive way to acknowledge, send love, and respond without blowing up everyone’s phone!

New Permissions in Groups: Group Type Managers
To give you more control over who has access to group information, we released a new permission level—Group Type Managers.

Add Group Members from Church Center
Now you can add members to your group right from the Church Center app!

Manage Group Events in Church Center
Group leaders can now manage events, receive attendance alerts, and RSVPs from Church Center—the mobile app and the web.

Show Events from Groups in Calendar
Now you can subscribe to a feed of Groups events in Calendar—any changes you make in Groups will automatically update in Calendar!

Group Messaging: Out of Beta and On to the Web!
Now leaders can communicate with members from wherever and whenever they please—from their computer or on their phone through the app.

New Sharing Permissions for Group Members
With our latest update in Groups, group members now have control over what information they’d like to share with each group they’re a part of.

Take Group Attendance in Church Center
Taking attendance is a huge part of using Groups, and now leaders can do it quickly right from the Church Center app!

Group Messaging: New Features and Improvements
Messaging is still in beta, while we work on polishing things up, but we didn't want to wait too long before we released a few updates!

What’s Next: Phasing Into Gathering Again
Here are some of our best practices for facilitating smaller gatherings, at home and on campus with social distancing.

Create New Opportunities for Community
See how you can lean on Groups to give your church a place to find community.