Planning Center

A commitment to our customers: never being acquired
We prioritize our love for the church and the team that makes our products because we do not face the pressures of venture capitalists or corporate sales.

New for You in Planning Center October 2023
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this fall, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Collaborate more easily on tasks with real-time updates
See live updates on your task lists to know when someone else is making edits and avoid overlapping!

Announcing tasks: Create to-do lists and collaborate with teams
Create detailed tasks, organize to-do lists, and collaborate with people on those tasks from anywhere in Planning Center.

Protect your church with two-step verification login
The most important thing you can do to protect your information is to enable two-step verification for your Planning Center login.

Planning Center is SOC 2 compliant: affirmation of our commitment to security
Planning Center is the only major church management system to comply with the SOC 2 audit of our systems, processes, and policies to keep your data secure.

Introducing the Planning Center notifications inbox
See notifications for everything that needs your attention in Planning Center—pending calendar requests, scheduling notices, permissions updates, and more!

Tidying up phone number formatting
We officially standardized formatting for the phone number field in the Planning Center database! Now everything is a little tidier.

Introducing Planning Center Home
Planning Center now has a customizable dashboard that highlights important updates from your account and all the tasks you need to get done!

Taking a Stand
There are moments when a company needs to take a stand on an issue because silence and neutrality are themselves a statement. This is one of those moments.

Simpler Avatars for Profiles
Today it’s time to say goodbye to our generic, demographic avatars. In their place, you’ll be seeing people’s initials.

Coronavirus: What has (and has not) changed at Planning Center
We want to assure you that the essentials of our company's DNA, and what we promise to provide to our churches, is not changing.

Coordinating Community during the Coronavirus
Here are some of the tools in your Planning Center tool belt that might help you and your church get through the Coronavirus.

Planning Center University: LIVE Training Courses
We launched the newest version of Planning Center University—live, online training courses on each application, regularly scheduled once every 3-4 months.

Discontinuing Support for Internet Explorer
Five months from now Planning Center will discontinue support for the Internet Explorer browser across all of our applications.

Announcing the Church Center App
Introducing Church Center, our free mobile app your congregation can use to connect with the life of your church by getting involved!

Planning Center Fall Update 2018
Over the last few months we released brand new features across all of our apps—watch our Fall Product Update to learn all about these exciting changes!

Planning Center Summer Update 2018
Watch our update video to learn how the major new features and updates from the last few months to all our applications can help you in your ministry!

GDPR and Privacy Shield Compliance
This is our statement outlining how Planning Center complies with the standards of both the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy Shield.

The Icons, They Are A Changin'
Our app icons are getting a makeover! Read this post to get behind-the-scenes insights on why!

Sunday Mornings at Planning Center
Reliability is our number one priority. These are some of the steps our team takes to ensure your weekend services go off without a hitch!