Product Updates
Announcing Planning Center Check-Ins
Today we announce Planning Center Check-Ins, our new child and volunteer check-in system.
Email Deliverability
Yahoo had recently decided not to deliver any emails sent from Planning Center, but we've resolved that, so all new emails should arrive consistently.
Event Archiving in Resources
When an event is over, it will now drop out of the main view of events (though, still accessible via search.)
Enhancements to Room and Resource Questions
We've made some enhancements to room and resource questions, based on your feedback.
Family Scheduling
Households are here! You can now group your family together in PCO Services so that you can be scheduled simultaneously or independently of each other.
Music Stand Version 3
Launching Music Stand version 3 including a new modern design, audio looping, a flashing metronome, offline annotation sync, and a dark theme.
File License Tracking
Services can now help you track individual file licenses and email you when you've exceeded them.
Post A Comment Using Email
You can now reply via email if someone asks a question or makes a comment in Resources and Services.
A Few Fun Features
Introducing a chord chart auto-save, the ability to see song options as columns in your plan, and more!
Resources iOS App
We heard you loud and clear: you'd really like a true iOS app. Something you can download. Something with an icon. That is what we're launching today.
Power to the Thumbs!
We released new functionality for small screens—now you can run reports, snapshot setup diagrams, and view the calendar on the go from your phone.
Mobile Mania, Polished Properties, and a Fleet of Features
Our Android app and Mobile website have been completely redone, bringing a new design, improved speed, and enhanced functionality.
Building For Speed
Introducing some small improvements that should help you work a little smarter and a little faster.
Accounting Your Blessings
Introducing Account Center, a fresh design, and administration updates. See what's planned for the near future.
New to Resources: Calendar View
Far and away, the most requested feature since we launched Resources is a monthly calendar view. Today, we are releasing the first version of this feature!
Introducing: Planning Center Resources
It's official! Today we're pulling the curtains back and launching our second major product, Planning Center Resources.
Kiosks & Embeddable Event Lists
We released a brand new Kiosk feature we think you'll love: now you can put kiosks up in the lobby of your church to show everything happening that day.
PraiseCharts and Lyrics & Chords Page Setup
With our new PraiseCharts integration, you can import any file you've purchased on Also new: specify your Lyrics and Chords Page setup.
Plan Contributors, Text Message Setup & More!
Display user pictures for anyone who has made changes to that plan with the new Plan Contributors section.
Planning Center Resources Updates
Rooms can now have Room Setups with images, calendar feeds can be synced with iCal, Outlook, or Google Calendar, and there are some great new reports!
What was up with the permission changes?
On Wednesday, February 13, from 9:30 to 11:30 Pacific Time, Planning Center was having some issues related to permissions. What was up with that?