Planning Center People

Text In Church messaging: Now in Planning Center
Send personalized texts right from within Planning Center using your Text In Church account.

5 new features you may have missed in People
Learn how you can keep your more data secure, communications easy, and day-to-day ministry work flowing smoothly.

New in People: Less spam, cleaner profiles, better permissions and more
TEN improvements to People, because an up-to-date database is not about keeping things clean but about making sure your people don't fall through the cracks.

Customize emails using your church name
Send emails directly from your church’s name and email address—no more confusion about who’s sending what!

New for You in Planning Center September 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this fall, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Schedule Church Center announcements
Schedule your Church Center announcements to have even more control and flexibility in your communication strategy!

Give volunteers access to workflow cards
Get admin help by giving volunteers access to view and edit workflow cards assigned to them!

Reach the right people with selective messaging
Select specific profiles on a list to send an email, text, or Church Center announcement!

New for You in Planning Center June 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this spring, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Schedule emails in People
Schedule your list emails to go out automatically on a future date and time!

Privacy mode: Protect your church directory from scammers
Privacy mode is a way to protect your church directory from scammers by hiding people's information, but still providing a way to contact each other.

New for You in Planning Center March 2024
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this winter, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Admin relief: Let congregants manage their own household details
Empower congregants to manage their own households effortlessly by adding or removing members in Church Center!

New for You in Planning Center October 2023
Get an overview of what's new in Planning Center this fall, and find ways to streamline your workflow!

Reach your people with updated text messaging
Send mass texts to your church with your own 10-digit, toll-free phone number!

New automations: Organize event attendees in Registrations quickly
Use automations in Registrations to organize people into groups when they signup for events!

New automations: Follow-up with first-time givers
Use automations in Giving to automatically send a follow-up email to anyone who gives and express your gratitude!

Set up automations to keep groups organized and communicate with people
Automate group-specific actions, trigger communications, and organize people with automations in Groups!

Save files to People profiles
Ever need to attach a picture or a PDF to a person's member profile? Now you can collect files through online forms and save them to profiles!

Create Custom Dashboards to Share Metrics
The new custom dashboard feature in Planning Center People makes it easier to find and access the stats you most care about, all in one place!

Make Announcements with Church Center Push Notifications
You can now keep everyone in the loop about what is happening at the church by sending announcements to the Church Center mobile app and web from People!